Des Moores Pigeon Domain
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Hans Bodelier ( Netherlands )

Hans Bodelier's loft |
Etienne Moors (Belgium )
Etinne Moors new loft |

Etinne and Elza Moors with Joe and Maureen Baker with friend |
Dennis wall

Dennis receiving some of his well earned trophys |
Ray Nesbitt

Ray Nesbitts Racing and Breeding Loft |
George Duzevich

George Duzivich out side his racing loft |
Lofts that I have visited in England.
If an update is wanted dont hesitate to get in touch.
Franz De Scheemaecker

Frans De Scheemaecker, August Ducheyne and Louis Janssen |
Jim Allen

Jim Allans Racing loft |
Joe Baker

Joe Bakers Racing Loft |
Joe Bridges

Joe Bridges Widowhood Racing Loft |
Graham Britton

Beautifull Garden Lofts of Graeme Britton |
Keith Nethercott

Keith Nethercott Outside His Racing Loft |
Patrick Brothers

The Widowhood Lofts of Phyl and Steve Patrick |
Vick Preddy

Vic Preddy and his Nephew Terry in Front of the Old Bird Loft |
Brian Tilley

Bryan Tilleys Natural racing loft |
Graham Williams

Graeme Williams Racing Loft |
The following lofts are all of Australian fanciers.
If any of the following need updating please notify me.
Any profile without a loft picture please contact me and send a photo

Frank Bunter and Hec Hendy two of the best pigeon fanciers that i
have the privelege of knowing, they are also great mates both from Western Australia
Dick Barnes

Dick Barnes loft and lovely gardens |
Ray Barras

The Racing Loft of Ray Barrass |
Garry Buchanan
Allan Campbell

Allan Campbell and Family Outside Their Racing Loft |
Frank Bunter
Jim Croasdale
Bob Cook
Ron Dalziell

Ron Dalziell's Racing Lofts |
Paul & Tony D'Amico

Paul D'amico Holding his Grizzle Hen 1st Fed Winner |
B & P Ewen
Tim Fawcett
Bernie Guile
Ivan Henderson

Ivan Hendersons Loft, Home of Australias Top Long Distance Champions |
Hec Hendy
Alec Hodginson
Len Johnston

Len Johnstons Racing Loft |
Merve Jupp
John Koenders
Geoff Kensitt and Mark Kraljevich
Terry Mansell
Terry Mulholland
Neil Mouritz

The Racing lofts of Neil Mouritz |
Paul Naylor
Ron Onions

Ron Onions pigeon lofts Albany Western Australia |
Ted Pickering
Ralph Pieterson
Bill Powell
Ron Tugwell
Ben Reynolds and Son

Ben Reynolds Racing Loft |
Paul Rosco
Bill Schultz

Bill Schutz Racing Lofts |
Graham Sullivan
Fred Thompson

Fred Thompsons Poolside Lofts |
Ron Tugwell
Danny Warry
Peter Wilson
Pigeon loft profile-Frank Bunter. Pigeon loft profile-Hec Hendy. Pigeon loft profile-Dick
Barnes. Pigeon loft profile-Ray Barrass. Pigeon loft profile-Garry Buchanan. Pigeon loft profile-Alan Campbell. Pigeon loft
profile-Jim Croasdale. Pigeon loft profile-Bob cook. Pigeon loft profile-Ron Dalziell. Pigeon loft profile-Paul D’amico.
Pigeon loft profile-Brian Ewen. Pigeon loft profile-Tim Fawcett. Pigeon loft profile-Bernie Guile. Pigeon loft profile-Ivan
Henderson. Pigeon loft profile-Alec Hodginson. Pigeon loft profile-Len Johnston. Pigeon loft profile-Merve Jupp. Pigeon loft
profile-John Koenders. Pigeon loft profile-Geoff Kensitt. Pigeon loft profile-Mark kraljevich. Pigeon loft profile-Terry Mansell.
Pigeon loft profile-Terry Mulholland. Pigeon loft profile-Neil Mouritz. Pigeon loft profile-Paul Naylor. Pigeon loft profile-Ron
Onions. Pigeon loft profile-Ted Pickering. Pigeon loft profile-Ralph Pieterson. Pigeon loft profile-Bill Powell. Pigeon loft
profile-Ron Tugwell. Pigeon loft profile-Ben Reynolds. Pigeon loft profile-Paul Rosco. Pigeon loft profile-Bill Schultz. Pigeon
loft profile-Graham Sullivan. Pigeon loft profile-Fred Thompson. Pigeon loft profile-Ron Tugwell. Pigeon loft profile-Danny
Warry. Pigeon loft profile-Peter Wilson