Racing Results

Des Moore's Pigeon Domain

Queensland 10000 one loft race
Judging Racing Pigeons
The Pigeon Wing in Focus
Selecting a Pigeon for Distance Racing
**Where do your Champions live**
My 12 Points
My Breeding Feed Mix
Australian Pigeon Club Contacts 2
List of my Australian ring Collection
Australian Ring Alphabet Prefix
World Wide Information
Selecting a Good Pigeon
World Wide Holiday Information
lost or found a pigeon
Common Pigeon Terms
special Poems
The Darkness System
Australian Pigeon Club Contacts id23
Pigeon Ring Exchange id22
Rings From Falcon nest
One loft and Special Races id21
Special Races
Racing Pigeon Auctions id20
Racing Results
Thought for the day id15
Personal information id3
My lifetime with pigeons id10
Pigeon Photos id4
Race results id11
Winners bred for others
Advertisements id12
Famous pigeon fanciers
Jokes and Humour id16
Cartoons id19
Loft profiles
How True
Catalogues and Sales id6
Winning with Hens
Articles id9
Awards and Trophys id7
Links id8
Denmark directory id18

The Below list does not include my Federation, Combine or special races positions.
It also does not include winning birds or placed birds that I have bred for others or prizes won in pigeon shows   

Below are the certificates won by my birds racing for me in different clubs
There are 199X1st  112X2nd  69X3rd  25X4th with the race point they were won at making a total of 405 club places won

Race point                      1st      2nd      3rd      4th



Napier         60klm                1          2         2

Cranbrook  80klm                 19        5         4

Spencers Brook  85 klm       3                     2          1

Rocky Gully 98 klm                           1

Tambellup  109klm               16        1         1

Meckering  120 klm 4           3          3         2

Wellstead  130 klm               7          4         3          2

Kojonup 131klm                   4          1

Moora  143 klm                                           1

Boxwood Hills 148klm          4          3         1

Katanning 148klm                4          4

Boyup Brook  161klm          2                      2

Tammin 163 klm                  16         3                    2

Jerramungup 185klm          5           2          1

Bremmer Bay 200klm          5          3

Collie  211klm                     2

Donnybrook 211klm                        2

Manjimup 217 klm                                       3

Bruce Rock  224 klm           4          1

Narrogin 230klm                  2          4          1

Lake Grace 240 klm                                    1

Bunbury        243klm           1

Pingelly   252 klm                2          1

Three Springs  279 klm                   2         

Pingelly  290 klm                 1          1          1

Ravensthorpe 294 klm        4          5          1

Moorine Rock 321 klm                    2          2

Beverly      322klm               6         2

Wubin 346 klm                                1          3

Marvel Lock 356 klm            7         4

Mullewa  372 klm                 3         1          1          1

Merredin   400klm                4         8          4          5

Esperance 438 klm              4         2          2

Gibson Soak  445 klm         3         1

Southern Cross  456 klm    10        8          7          4

Salmon Gums  457klm        7         5           2

Widgemooltha  540 klm       1         3

Wannoo  573 klm                2         1

Kalgoorlie 609 klm              6         16         12        9

Payne’s Find 630 klm         1         3

Meekatharra  643 klm         1         3           1

Zanthus 749 klm                 6         2           1

Mount Magnet 771 klm       6         2           2

Leonora  777 klm                3                      1

Carnarvon  804 klm            2         1

Laverton 854 klm                3         3           2

Rawlinna 913 klm               5         3           2          1

Nullarbor 1609 klm             2

                                             199      112     69      25  

                                              Total Certificates  405