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This is the meat meal based mixture that I feed my birds


2 cups of meatmeal

½ cup of kelp 1 teaspoon salts

1 tablespoonful of glucose

1 teaspoon handle of washing soda

1 teaspoon handle of magnesium

1 teaspoon of flowers of sulphur

1 teaspoon handle of copper sulphate (blue stone)

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon yeast powder

When I give the birds their tea on Sunday night I use two ordinary tea bags two tea bags of green tea and a teaspoon mixed herbs this I bring to the boil after the tea has cooled I strain through a stocking and this I also add to the mix


This I mix with

½ cup of peanut oil

½ cup vinegar I use the vinegar from the pickled onions

¼ cup of raspberry cordial

The lid full of the bottle of multivitamins

6 drops of iodine


two spoon full's of molasses this is to help the mix stick to the peas, the birds will not eat the meat meal on their own so by doing it this way every pea they eat they get some



All this I mix together then add water to make it into a slurry I then have my feed made up I pour the mix on the peas I have in a container stir until it makes an even cover then feed to the race birds once a week, I only use peas in my mix


My basic feed is one of peas to two of wheat in the short races, then change to two of peas with one of wheat for the longer races these mixes I give every morning after exercise as much as they want to eat. I never feed my birds corn mainly because I have had problems with it in the past


Two days during the week after the birds have eaten as much of the basic feed as they want one day I give them canola this was at one time called rape seed as much as they want and the other I give them as much as they want of Coprice M  this is a basic vitamin & mineral pellet made for horses


During the breeding season I give the meatmeal mix to the breeders once a week with small youngsters and twice a week with older youngsters in the nest, I break the sulphur down to ½ teaspoon during the breeding season, I also feed spinach regularly


The birds have crushed cuttle fish during the breeding season plus beach grit this is top quality small shell that I get from a nearby beach, during the racing season they only have beach grit in front of them all the time


Before the race they are given honey, glucose or garlic in the water on return they are given glucose in the water


The next day they have apple cider vinegar in the water for all the other days of the week they have Colloidal Silver in their water, since I found out the benefits of Colloidal Silver to the birds well being I have used it with the result my birds varely suffer any health problems and because of this I would never be worried in recommending it to any body either for their animals or personal use, I have never been in favour of using antibiotics as I believe they may fix the problem but not cure it, the only way to cure a problem is with natural medications, they may take a bit longer to work but they don’t cause any later problems.