The Colloidal Silver generators cost AU$75.00 which includes registered post
Make your own Colliodal silver water for 4 cents per litre. Normally costs up to AU$30.00
per litre.
Generator comes with a 12 months warranty on working parts.
Our generator is completely portable take it on your holiday to sterilise the water at
your destination, It is battery operated that can supply 4-5 ppm of Colliodal Water in under three minutes a little longer
in pure distilled water. Price includes both rods and one spare rod which are 99.9% pure silver each rod should last 12 months
with normal use (Battery not included with generator) a small square 9v battery bought at the supermarket is the power source.
For any external use you such as cuts or burns you may choose to make the water stronger
as it kills any bacteria in the wound.
For the best results and the purest colloid use it is best to use distilled water.
Useful information on Colliodal silver
Most antibiotics have an optimal effectiveness against only a few different disease germs;
even broad-spectrum antibiotics may kill only 10-20 different types of bacteria. Also, most antibiotics that kill bacteria
will not kill fungus/yeasts, protozoal parasites or viruses, antifungal antibiotics will not kill bacteria, viruses, parasites,
etc. And virtually most known viruses are immune to virtually all known antibiotics."
Silver is unique among antimicrobial agents in its broad spectrum of action. It has been
claimed to kill some 650 different disease organisms. Unlike antibiotics, it is an 'equal opportunity destroyer' - it doesn't
discriminate, but effectively kills germs of all major types: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spore-forming bacteria,
fungus/yeasts, viruses and protozoal parasites. Sulfadiazine is used almost universally in hospitals to prevent serious burn
infections, but it also kills dozens of different bacteria, It also kills various yeasts, including several Aspergillus varieties,
and 50 different clinical isolates of Cadina, it was also used to cure stomach ulcers when it was discovered they were caused
by a bacterium.
It was actually rediscovered that colloidal silver kills bacteria something that has
been used for that purpose for centuries well before antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for colloidal silver as an
antibiotic were discarded when antibiotics became the popular fix all.
The generator will harvest between 4-5ppm within 3 minutes using a 200ml glass (dependent
on the water quality and temperature). It is the smallest and easiest generator to use on the world market.
Colloidal Silver mingles with your blood and enters the cell to seek out and destroy
harmful organisms. Due to the high absorption of silver in the small intestines, the friendly bacteria in the large intestine
are not affected.
Every one of the man made antibiotics will kill only five or six types of germs. On top
of that, more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to these antibiotics, commonly known as ‘Super bugs’.
Colloidal Silver will kill most of those ‘Super bugs’. It acts like a second
immune system. Colloidal Silver as a preventative is unsurpassed.
Sufficient Colloidal Silver, taken daily, precludes infection and disease. It lessens
the load on the body’s natural immune system.
As food is digested, the presence of silver will keep the food from Putrefying in the
digestive tract, killing any germs ingested with the food or fluid. Colloidal Silver is also an excellent water purifier.
NASA selected a silver system for its space shuttle water purification
Make sure you have a reliable timer or oven alarm set for 3 minutes before you start
making a new batch.
Drink it or use it immediately as silver is photo sensitive, always use glass or plastic,
keep away from metal as this makes the silver loose its strength, any that you want to keep store in a dark cupboard in a
glass container.
You may also use the solution as ear, eye or nose drops as long as it is fresh. Use it
as a mouthwash and gargle every night.
Drink it when you have the very first symptom of an on coming flu or cold. A ticklish
throat, a raspy cough, a runny nose.
You may use it several times a day, depending upon the severity of your affliction.
Only one electrode will wear away that is the positive electrode, it is very easy to
replace, a spare electrode is sent with the generator, Keep the electrodes clean
A reason for antibiotics being so popular in the medical arena is the fact that they
can be patented. Therefore it is in the pharmaceutical companies’ financial best interests to keep doctors educated
in their medicines whilst other products go unheralded. Silver is not patentable and therefore there are no enormous profits
available to pharmaceutical companies and thus not worthy of massive promotion. Simple low cost products are run over by high
priced products because they are more shareholder friendly! This is occurring at a time disease bacteria are developing immunity
to antibiotics this immunity is developing the world over even in isolated areas. Privately the medical expresses alarm.